Gas sheezy

This is my first post in awhile and my first on the new laptop that Hope and I bought. I haven't bought a computer since my junior year of college and Hope had never had one. I've had laptops through my jobs most of the last 5 or so years so it's never been a problem.

Hope took off tonight for a bachelorette party in Minneapolis. She got a direct flight on Northwest, which works out nice. We've found since we moved to Indy that we're just far enough away that driving vs. flying back home is a question. Indy to Des Moines by interstate is about seven hours - which is about equal to the flight time as measured from airport arrival to airport departure.

Our vehicle situation complicates the matter. I have a Chevy Silverado pick up which is a great road trip car (heated seats, dual climates, XM radio) except for the gas mileage. The mileage isn't bad for a truck but it's still a truck. Hope has a more economical car - a Civic - but it's old enough that I don't trust it make the voyage. We have rented a few times but that only works for short trips.

None of this takes into account gas prices - the latest bane of my existence. There are no other everyday consumables in my life whose price fluctuates like petro*. The price fluctuates in two ways - up/down and spatially. I pass three major intersections with gas stations between our place and work and they routinely vary by as much as 30 cents. Weird. The up/down flux is quick in these parts. I came home at about ten this morning 'cause we're having a few windows worked on. The price of gas at 71st & Keystone? $1.99 for the low grade. I went back to work at 12:30 and guess what the price was? $2.25! Can you believe that? 26 cents in two and a half hours.

That's one thing the tall corn state has on us hoosiers, at least in Iowa they're behind the national average on price. grumble.


That John Denver as full of shit


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